
These pages contain my musings about life and death, with a practical bend to them. I am particularly interested in the connection we can cultivate with those who have died. There are things we, who are here in body, can do for those who have left theirs behind. And likewise, there are gifts we can receive from the dead, if we are open to them.

I am an Ability Coach, Registered Movement Therapist, and licensed massage therapist in my professional life. There is no real separation between these two worlds for me: My work is informed at times by experiences with two dear friends who passed away young, 14 years apart. I am actively exploring things we can do for and ways to stay connected with those who have died. This blog is inspired by the recent death of my friend Jim Grundy, and his strong, gentle, kind and generous being.

If you resonate with these ideas, please feel free to linger, look around, and contribute your comments. If it is not for you, I ask that you treat this site, its content and the comments of others respectfully.

Thank you, and enjoy!


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